Refueling for Justice_eventbrite.png

June 27th

Free for all

Join us LIVE!  

To win long-term, systemic change - we need to be able to go for the long haul.

Refueling for Justice is a free virtual event that creates a space where those who have been striving for justice can refuel. Where they can re-calibrate and join with others through life-uplifting activities and performances.

It's like a relief station for justice marathoners!

We will stream a variety of Black-centered artists, performers, exercise experts, and practitioners of yoga and other practices.

No matter if you have been marching, writing, posting, simply surviving, or anything in between, we need you to be able to continue for the long haul to keep working to change our unjust justice system.

“Progress is never permanent, will always be threatened, must be redoubled,

restated and reimagined if it is to survive.”

-Zadie Smith